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2022-10-03 - 7:19 p.m.

My Jet Set Life. Except I Drove.

Traveling always makes me panic. I plan a thing, then I worry about it until I finally go on and DO it, and then I feel silly for having dreaded it so. I feel "cured" until the next time I have a big, travel idea...and then I start all over again with the definite pattern which has emerged. I am my mother.

This past week, I did it! After 2 plus years of postponements, I took my girl to see MCR in Dallas, and we had the absolute *best* time. I got to see her get her mind blown as she saw her first show; her idols, at that. We stayed in style in a 12th floor apartment in the center of downtown Dallas in the AT&T District, just around the corner from the AT&T building, which is a sight itself with its stories-tall "media wall" with beautiful pictures and ambient music in the center of a weirdly but wonderfully lit area full of AstroTurf, lighted tiles, digital pillars and all manner of people. I drove in Dallas traffic at quitting time REPEATEDLY and didn't die or kill anyone. It was magic. I'm actually pretty good at it.

It's funny what happens to your bum when you look over the edge of a 12th floor balcony. Perhaps it's just MY bum, but, for the duration of my two nights in Dallas, my personal exit was Don Knott's face in a permanent expression of surprise. You know the one. (Sorry, Don.)

We finished with a stop at Bucc-ees, and though perhaps a tad overblown, it's still neato and I enjoyed it VERY much. But, cut the flappy parts off the brisket before you put it in the sammich, please. My only complaint. I might be Bucc-ee for Halloween.

My girl and Gerard Way in the same room. What a night! We will be back to that little apartment, for sure.

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