
artgnome - 2007-04-21 07:22:13
oh man, and there's a picture of it. He will have that with him for life! hah.
OBF - 2007-04-22 21:23:25
I've had nightmares that go that way.
Nikki - 2007-06-07 04:50:48
I miss you. Like crazy. I hate being a grown up. But I loves you.
Teets - 2007-06-14 12:05:14

See you this weekend. :-)
MyraMains - 2007-06-14 18:48:54
TEETS! Guess what, homey? I wrote an entry yesterday. Yep. Told how you done leff and all, put in a pic of Wibby's wonky grill, made a real nice entry. And then I lost it. I got so mad I had to just leave....there was to be no "recreating"...I hadn't saved it and didn't expect Diaryland to pull that old chestnut ("your entry's in there! Click here to see your page!" *click* Ooooh...look, that's not my new entry. That's my OLD entry. Hmmm...where's my new one? ....GONE. IT'S GONE, THAT'S WHERE IT IS. GONE.) on my first entry in FOREVER. Yep. Really makes me want to renew. I can hardly hold myself back from plopping down another $60 for a gold membership that I rarely use. But how cool you'd stop by! :) Lookin' fwad to seen you! And...I love & miss you too Nikks! Call me!

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