
artgnome - 2008-06-08 12:42:04
many prayers for sweet little angus. I bitch about my kitties all the time but I know I love them. I did the single girl pint of Ben & Jerry's for dinner the other day, to soothe my sore throat and spirit. I haven't done THAT in a very long time. Here's to spinsterhood!
OBF - 2008-06-09 14:47:24
Spinsterhood!? You sure throw in the towel quickly!
Myra - 2008-06-09 16:11:43
Hey, man, I was drunk. Cut me some slack.
OBF - 2008-06-09 16:48:15
just this once. But if you get any more cats we'll have to find you a 12-step program or a discount mu-mu store.
Myra - 2008-06-10 02:41:02
Thank you, art. I took Angus and bro to the vet today for their next round of vaccinations, and after examining him, the vet said the knot on his nose is nothing to worry about, so all's well! And by the way, I, too, have the Ben and Jerry's moments. Chunky Monkey moments, mostly. Yes, Lord. OBF...I wish I could make you a promise, but alas. You never know when more cats could occur. Kitties are like hurricanes: you can't keep them from coming, you can only be prepared...and name them.
Myra - 2008-06-10 04:05:05
...and p.s., buck-o...if YOU were a little faster to throw in the towel, we'd be sipping mojitos in Mexico by now. :)
OBF - 2008-06-10 16:52:43
DanjerusKurves - 2008-06-13 19:29:27
Alright, let's get some corrections going here: 1. A "spinster" is a woman who has never been married. We are divorce�s. 2. You have more than one reader despite your erratic posting and lack-of notification! 3. Kittens should be neutered at the weight of 2-lbs, not by age. (The sooner, the better!!!) 4. As Ernest Hemingway said, "One cat just leads to another" 5. Diets are meant to be broken, that's why the exist in the first place. 6. I've already spent $2000 +/- on ONE kat alone so far this year ... plus meds for another. 7. My demands for new kitten photos are being blatantly ignored. 8. Small wonder I have Writer's Block.
Myra - 2008-06-16 05:22:28
Danjerus, you're absolutely right. Spinsters have NEVAH! I forgot about that...but I'll probably continue to use the word. It's my freakin' nickname, after all. Vet said he wants to let the boys "muscle up" a bit before he cuts their nards off. I'm for that, mostly because I hate what's gonna happen to them, and I want to put it off as long as I can while still avoiding their spraying urges. Your kitty pics aren't coming cause my cell phone is the only camera I have and it takes some doing to get a good shot...but doing requires wrking at it and I haven't been diligent. I'll do better!

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