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2007-10-21 - 9:20 p.m.


It's been a very happy day. The weather's been wonderful, I haven't accidentally killed my lovely mum plants yet, the kids got along, I made kabobs, Halloweeny shows we all enjoyed were on all day, the little one and I played Spongebob Operation and let's-put-on-ridiculous-make-up and Webkinz and then we made big brother proud with some fine Easy- Bakin'...ahhh. Pure, domestic, Momly bliss; a good day all around.
Now all I've got to do is get small fry to brush her new, giant teeth (seen here after enjoying a blue-iced cupcake on her 6th birthday last month) and she will be off to sleep, then a bit later the older gremlin goes to bed, too, leaving me with approximately four minutes of solitude before I am bitch slapped by the sandman. He seems to get me earlier and earlier these days.

Last night, I had crazy-vivid dreams. The sky was cloudy, dark and churning, with patches of that odd green color that screams "tornado". I was with my ex-husband and was more distraught about being with him than I was about the dangerous weather. I'm always full of dread in dreams where I find myself back with him; panicked, beating myself up for allowing myself to be sucked back in, and scrambling inside my head for an excuse to get back out. In these dreams I always process a thought like, "IDIOT!! What have you DONE??? Why is he HERE??? HOW did this happen??!" Such a relief every time I wake to find it isn't real. I don't ever have to question whether or not I did the right thing with regard to divorcing my husband. Dreams of being with my ex classify as nightmares...and that says plenty, I'd say.

One kid is alseep and the other goes down in 20. If I can stay awake, I think I'll spend my sliver of solitude on the porch swing, sporting my fuzzy pink robe. :) Hope you're having a nice night, too. Try not to think about how it's a mere few hours till the diabolical dawn of another dismal, hopeless Monday. Okay then...night!

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