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2008-06-04 - 6:54 p.m.


Yuck. My icky old boyfriend is sending me emails. Normally, with a NORMAL ex-boyfriend, that would be a welcome, even pleasant surprise...but this guy was...different. This guy was my boyfriend when I was fresh out of divorce and obviously suffering some sort of mental breakdown which rendered me unable to identify a total asshat. This guy was a braying, redneckity, pathologically lying, black hole of emotional need with a huge mouth, an aggressive demeanor and a chip on his shoulder the size of his stupid, misshapen head. He embarrassed me in public frequently, making loud displays everywhere we went. He made sure to use my name so people would realize that he was on a date with the local dj. He wept like a fucking nancy at every lame-ass opportunity he saw, in failed attempts to appeal to my soft side. He attempted to use God and religion to manipulate situations. He made me nauseous like no one before or since. I hate his stupid, greasy, drug-addled guts.

We broke up ugly- I've never done that before- but he forced it. He was full of drugs and venom and threatened me in every way possible. This man was SO ridiculous, I was galled that I had been able to entertain him at all. It made me seriously question my own stability once I got a good, objective view of the useless sack of ignorance I had actually allowed sex with. Gah. It horrifies me still. My sister and entire family hated him from Go. To this day, I can't explain how it happened, or how I let it go on for so long, because he was and is a total douche, a waste of oxygen, a meritless scab.

So this clown is emailing me now. His emails were always pointles, rambling exercises in clich'e and predictability, and these are no different, except now, his stupid monkey ass is recycling every "compliment" he ever gave me. It makes me cringe, I boil when I read it....and still I don't want to respond negatively, 'cause after all, bitch *IS* crazy, and is best left unprovoked. His insane ass dares to propose that I meet him for sex. He makes a bunch of old-times references trying to invoke endearment that does not exist. Then he follows up with, "Hey, you can't blame me for askin'!

Here's what happens when I write back:

"Yes, I CAN blame you for asking, you wretched, braying, name-dropping shit-for-brains.

FUCK YOU. I'll never be in your presence on purpose EVER AGAIN, you festering heap of tripe. I'll never fuck you EVER AGAIN, unless that moment of weakness you're referencing is either my complete paralysis or my death, and your sorry self lucks up and stumbles over my helpless carcass first. You're a simple minded sack of drug-addled shit-pokery, and I genuinely hate your guts. The thought of you in my personal space makes me shudder; I can't believe I ever entertained your ridiculous hide in the the first place. Now that I've got my bearings and have returned to the world of Thinking Persons, I can safely tell you that I'd sooner suck a turd than entertain you for so much as a shared elevator ride."

You can see how that might potentially upset him. lol...seriously, before you tell me I really SHOULD send that to him, you should know that doing that would only increase communications from him, and exacerbate the entire situation. I can erase his drivel without reading it, so it's not like I'm a hapless victim; I'm more a glutton for punishment. Plus, I kinda like hating on him so hard. It's very cleansing.

Thanks for reading. Wait, no...before I go, I will treat you to a sample of this idiot's hamfisted ramblings at the keys, geeked out of his mind on his "very necessary" narcolepsy medicine in the wee hours of the morning. I received this jewel just this morning:

"I miss you and know we can only be friends but damn girl think of these qualities:
1.beautiful inside
2.beautiful and HOT outside
3.very ,very intelligent!No explaining.
4. No drama
5. Wonderful mother with wonderful kids
6. best sense of humor and personality EVER.
7. has job, dont care for being taken care of finacially
8l all time best in the "sack of groceries" in case kids can hear/see.
9. not pushy about "why are you talking to that girl,ex, mother, son,daughter,ect. NOT jealous
10. can fish, bait a hook and a man!

(Note From Myra: #s 11-15 are sickening and I don't want you to see them. I must now bleach my mind's eye.)

16. Can forgive ,forget and still accept my friendship without "revenge" on her mind. I love you for that ,ya know?
17.Can keep a secret b/w us. No one elses business.
18. Can tell me "No!" in a nice way while knowing rejection is something I crave almost as much as the truth. mean I want you!
19. Just is the ultimate ,ULTIMATE chic!
You really are the best thing I ever had...wish I had not been so damn bull headed! You are the ultimate.

I will admit of all the girls I loved before(Not an Juilo Iglasis;Willie Nelson attempt I swear!) are/were the best lover, girlfriend, friend, pal I ever had and ever will for sure! I was just dumb and cocky I guess. You deserved better anyway! (This is NOT a sorry attempt to try to rekindle anything I swear!I know nothing short of GOD HIMSELF could ever make that happen again....but I will ask HIM!:)!) I am just up early, upset and talking to you b/c it feels are probably mass emailing this to some laugh at the blind dumbass website knowing my luck!"

That's right, fucklog.

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