
Teets with the sore stomach muscles - 2004-05-03 20:22:52
BAAAAAAHAHAHA!! I talked to Bink and told her to ask you about your check. That is too funny. I'm going to link to you so my readers will see this too. Funny funny funny.
Sonya - 2004-05-03 21:13:47
Sonya - 2004-05-03 21:14:35
awittykitty - 2004-05-03 22:19:01
I wonder if that snot goop was taxable? :-)
MyraMains - 2004-05-03 23:41:52
Glad you all enjoyed a slice of my life. I'll probably get a turd for a Christmas bonus.
Nights - 2004-05-04 01:45:53
*snort* you have the best stories! Have you seen "Big Fish"? You remind me of that movie. The best stories and you're FUNNY! Yeah...okay...anyway...
rick - 2004-05-04 12:25:08
I love boogers. :) There should be more of them I think. So on the subject of's a recipe for Boogers on a Stick (It's fun if your into grossing people out)
MyraMains - 2004-05-04 21:04:35
Boogers...on a stick. Wow, Rick. You are a many-faceted man! I LOVE a guy who can cook. heh.
Moody - 2004-05-05 14:46:06
After reading your entry, I laughed and snorted so hard I had to check the keyboard and monitor for booger trails.

I actually had prepared material for today's comment, but none appear to be nearly good enough now.

<BGSOUND src=""> You can also follow the Adventures of Booger Man.

One final note... this type of thing would happen less often if more people ate their boogers (doctor approved).

MyraMains - 2004-05-05 19:20:15
You are one resourceful mofo, you know that, Moody? heheee! I have seen many things, but I've never seen J-Lo pick probiscus! ACK! And she LIKES IT! HEY MIKEY! (Always glad to see you, friend.)

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