
Hanau - 2006-03-08 13:21:45
I've got two notions - first is that if you expressed your honest feelings you can never go wrong. Second, unfortunately, ladder climbers find ways to climb another ladder when they've been knocked off one. If there is any chance of you finding yourself in a subordinate role to this fellow you might consider removing the post. The problem with saying things that sound like famous last words, is that they have a habit of becoming famous last words.
Myramains - 2006-03-08 14:00:02
You're right. That last thing you said there...that's scary.
Teets - 2006-03-08 17:00:38
I think the chances of you becoming an underling to that particular assclown is about like the chances of my suddenly deciding to answer to the dinner yeti again. Not too likely.
MyraMains - 2006-03-08 17:16:56
I know. That's why I've decided to leave the post up, so that the clown may smack it up, flip it, rub it down, live it, love it and smell it. Hanau's also right: honesty can't go wrong.
Amy - 2006-03-08 19:21:01
Any chance the powers-that-be at your current gig will get wind of this and administer the smackdown due to unprofessionalism? I mean, I think you verbally kicked his ass and you're certainly living out the fantasy that I'VE had about various assclowns I've encountered in the workplace, but. Bosses can be funny about shit. Anyhow, it was a hoot and I'm cheering right along with you. It's nice to see an evil asshole get some comeuppance for a change.
Nightmare - 2006-03-08 19:26:11
You did right! fuck that ass clown in his ear!
MyraMains - 2006-03-08 20:17:10
Dang skippy, Nightmare! And Amy, I don't think there's much chance of retribution from my current employer. In fact, The Assclown has burned scores of professional bridges of his own being unecessarily inflexible and downright rude to the powers that be from other companies. On one occasion, one of the jocks from his station showed up to promote the same breast cancer fundraiser I was working. Asshead McPetty wouldn't allow his jock to broadcast until my station left the lot. His wife was battling breast cancer at the time. That's the tip of the iceberg; NO one likes this man. Still, it does smack of unprofessionalism on my part. I hope I don't get burned, but the post stays.

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