
Hanau - 2006-03-18 00:47:11
I'm nearly vapor locked from the many response choices. All which will come back to haunt me approximately every 28 days. Its a rare time that I allow discretion to be a better part of valor, but feel I must this time. At times like this I choose the use the technique that zoologist use when approaching a Silver Back Mountain Gorilla - avert the eyes and take a submissive posture and when possible throw something shiny to distract them.
MyraMains - 2006-03-18 12:17:43
Most PMS-ing women would ignore the intelligent thought process at work here and focus instead on what could be, in estrogen-soaked confusion, mistaken for a physical comparison to a gorilla. Luckily, I am special, Hanau, and I recognize that I'm actually being mentally compared to a ape, which is ....better.......HEY
Hanau - 2006-03-18 15:23:30
No, no, no. I challenge you to find a statement directly comparing you to anything, much less an ape. I very carefully made no comparisons. Any connections made are purely the choice of the reader and can only be explained as being the product of your imagination or peculiar insight. As for myself I'm having a very Beavis moment with "techique", "zoologist", and "Gorilla".
MyraMains - 2006-03-18 18:54:27
hee hee hee...That's right. Dance, boah. Dance.

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