
Teets - 2006-04-22 17:45:29
Not only is she capable of supporting herself, she has a Master's degree. Apparently she majored in stupid things women do to ruin their own lives.

Funny entry. Even though it wasn't meant to be.
MyraMains - 2006-04-22 23:27:48
Unbelievable. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Nightmare - 2006-04-23 09:16:41
I would like to kick the fucking hell out of him too. Can you send me his address?
MyraMains - 2006-04-23 11:12:53
I could, Nightmare, but he lives across the street from ME, and in your murderous rage, you might just keep going and take out the whole neighborhood. If that happens, get my sister first!
Hanau - 2006-04-23 13:56:29
"Why I'll moyrderlize 'em." One of the most difficult thing about the people you care about is that the best thing you can ever do is be a strong shoulder and a sounding board when they are having a crisis. Next you can offer gentle suggestions - and these are usually just confirmation of the friends previously voiced notions. Any comments you would be inclined to make against the asshole, would only work against your friendship at times like now, when the codependent nature of an abusive relationship rears it ugly head.
MyraMains - 2006-04-23 17:25:36
Yessir. The difference in this instance is: I could give a rat's ass about Gayle personally. I don't even know what her last name is...but I know she let a man rip her ear off and she stayed. SHE STAYED, and let her terrified kids watch Dad try to kill Mom, time after time. She finally gets him out of the house only to relent (like the doormat she is) and allow him back in. Guess that ass just can't GET too much kickin'. There no excuse. I can't fathom it. Domestic abuse pisses me off.

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