
The Teets of Sympathy - 2006-05-20 04:56:32
Poor, pooooooor sistah. Your nostrils are pink and shiny like newborn baby oppossums in the morning dew.
Hanau - 2006-05-20 10:36:55
Phlegm, isn't that a fun word to write? Has the make up of a word ever described the reality to which it is attached so well? You can almost feel the stuffy head and gurgly chest by just seeing the word. Rick Springfield!? What kind of limp wristed Nancy-boy ever liked Rick Springfield? Sure, we all knew the words to his hits, because every girl in the 80's listened to him non-stop, but no self respecting male ever owned a Rick Springfield cassette, 8-track or LP; much less selected that portion of our musical past to be re-bought in digital format 20+ years later. (holy shit, that was over 20 years ago!). Surely it was a joke and he was playing to the 13 year old girl trapped away inside you and hoping for a nostalgic giggle. If I were playing to the 13 year old version of you, I know which song I'd play. You get three guesses and the first two don't count. If you get it wrong, you'll have to watch my photo retrospective of Mrs. Trueheart - the beach shots are the best.
MyraMains - 2006-05-20 12:18:40
First, Mrs. Trueheart's beach shots. That, my friend, is some funny stuff. You have a gift. (Those shots would also serve as a solid form of syrum of Ipecac, I betcha.) Second, if he was playing to only my inner 13 year old, surely his outer 39 year old wouldn't have been mincing quite as furiously as he was. Of course, a great deal of alcohol was involved...oh, there's no excuse. The guitar solo on "Alison" was epecially scorching. I can't talk about this anymore.
MyraMains - 2006-05-20 12:19:37
And of course I know what song. i know exactly what song. And you were always too cool to flail, no matter how much you liked it, and that's why you're still my paramour.
emily - 2006-06-12 06:38:02
and i thought there was no-one funnier than your sister. bout of insomnia and i click over from hers to yours and i have to stifle my snickers so i don't wake up the house. awesome.
MyraMains - 2007-05-14 08:36:54
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