
Amy - 2006-05-25 08:04:27
I don't think that being secretly pleased by your high IQ makes you a jackass. My husband also is rather proud of his above-average score. I once "got" him good with a joke IQ test from the 'net. This test just went on and on and on forever, asking the same types of questions over and over again. The test of how smart you are is how quickly you figure out the test is jerking you around. It took him a little while to figure it out. But to me that wasn't the funny part. The funny part is that I knew I didn't even have to tell him to take the test. All I had to do was leave it up on the computer screen because I KNEW there was no way in hell he could resist an IQ test. Hehehe.
MyraMains - 2006-05-25 09:35:55
Heh! Poor him! DUPED! I bet he gave you several doses of the stink eye afterward. Hee!
Nightmare - 2006-05-25 20:47:57
Yeah mine came in at a paltry 148 So I think it is a little off since it was scored when I was ia sophmore in HS around 160
MyraMains - 2006-05-25 21:57:15
If 148 is paltry, I'm Forrest Gump. Crap.
Hanau - 2006-05-27 12:08:08
The best part about an IQ test is how the money gets deposited directly to your bank account, your health improves and your professional successes immediately increase. By the way, you're both a couple of pikers and should learn how to take tests.
MyraMains - 2006-05-27 22:01:42
Them sounds like fightin' words. If you weren't so ridiculously hard to find, I'd give you the what-for. Bucko.
Big "W" - 2006-05-29 01:32:57
So you're smarter than the average bear? Well, you're not getting my pic-a-nic baskets anytime soon. By the way, Rick Springfield is the "cat's ass" whether you're sick or not. As for me and my house, we choose Skid Row as our guilty pleasure du jour. If you have not watched Supergroup, you should.
MyraMains - 2006-05-29 10:03:19
Biggie! Honey? Are you ever coming back? Was it my training that ran you off, or my inability to be quickly generous with my earth shaking love? Do you know I still have your cd's? Can you believe I HAVE watched Supergroup? (really) You're missed!
Hanau - 2006-05-30 00:13:54
hard to find?
Big "w" - 2006-05-30 00:45:35
I am hoping to come back soon, Mr. Fabulous is working on a full-time slot on the new format. I should get word on Wednesday, depends on many things. There was a large falling out with my room mate that left me homeless (LOL) over the fact that I was not getting paid for the copious hours I was putting in at my other job. Your training was excellent, I kissed your ass on this very site.
MyraMains - 2006-05-30 00:47:49
That's cause you know how to treat a laydeh. Notice I said laydeh. There's a difference.
MyraMains - 2006-05-30 00:50:11
Only say "laydeh" when doing the double wink and point, much like "Douche", but doubled. :) (I have been doing the "douche" at assboy, in your stead. I will keep it up until you return.)
Big W - 2006-05-31 00:29:44
Yes, Viktor Von Douche must be vankwished at all kosts! Keep the bottle of douche-be-gone handy! I have to admit though, I have been mulling over the kitten prospect. She could never take your place, though she might take me to her place. See how clever I am? Miss distracting you though, and admiring your fortitude in the face of my famous "Truffle Shuffle."
phil - 2007-02-01 08:57:44
take this and lets see...

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