
artgnome - 2007-06-23 13:58:36
I have never had a gold membership on here. I use for comments and imageshack for hosting images, all for nuttin'. hope you figure out what that skin disorder is, for as you know, awareness is key. xo
OBF - 2007-06-23 22:26:07
When near the ocean, one must move occassionally lest you develop barnacles. Your boy is gonna be the hero of his class when school starts, awesome! Looks like you all had giant fun. BTW, tell your sister that if Houston is not actually Hell, you can certainly see it from there. And considering her name; I guess she's where she belongs. Jokes aside, I'm happy to hear she's found a bit of joy here in the Republic of Tejas, even if its down there in the birthplace of humidity.
MyraMains - 2007-06-23 23:46:54
Barnacles! So THAT'S it! This hideous affliction makes me afraid to let you take me to Hawaii, which I still fully intend to force you to do. As for Teets, I'll relay your message. She'll be quick to point out that it's KINGWOOD, not Houston...but I already know your stance on that.
OBF - 2007-06-24 09:50:35
Then if Kingwood is not Houston then you can certainly see it from there....which makes the above statement true.
The Very Teets of Wilber - 2007-06-25 14:16:57
Dude. I laughed and laughed about this entry. Funny stuff sistah. And liste3n OBF, I heard that Satan rents out his Houston property and lives in Hell because it has a nicer climate. But I'm coping pretty well. I came from a hot, humid, stinky place that used to have a really high murder rate down in New Orleans... and I moved to a hot humid, stinkiness unassessed at this point, but a city with an astoundingly high murder rate...uh... BECAUSE the homeys from New Orleans moved to Houston. So it's kinda like being home. Except much less screaming and my toilet doesn't leak. LOL

So sorry sister. Not that your leaky toilet is funny. ::giggle:: Um, check your email G. I have a plan for the fixing of that particular problem.
Teets - 2007-06-25 14:19:11
Cool people in Europe like to add a number 3 to words at random, because it's tres chic. So you may have thought you saw a typo above, however, it was totally European. And cool.

OBF, I belong in Hell? sheesh.
Teets, one mo time - 2007-06-25 14:22:03
And thank you ever so, my sister, for pinpointing exactly on the map where I am so that my more scary "fans" who "lurve" me more than twinkies can come directly to my very small town and give me lots of big bear hugs and stuff.
MyraMains - 2007-06-25 19:30:12
Hehehe...No sweat, pal. Shall I remove that, or do you think the Hugginest Stalker in Kentucky has already seen it?
OBF - 2007-06-25 19:30:40
Teets - a bit of misrememberance about your namesakes mythological role. Sorry. I will do more research before making obscure reference in my weak attempts at humor.
MyraMains - 2007-06-25 19:32:41
I'm tempted to chat with OBF through this comments section. Tempted indeed. Even though he virtually called my sister a gargoyle from hell.
OBF - 2007-06-25 23:37:10
I would explain further, but unlike her sister I am unwilling to divulge her personal information. To discuss her name further, with you having pinpointed her locale might be too risky
Teets - 2007-06-27 12:43:15
Would you like my social security number to make my public dossier more complete?

Nah, you don't have to take it out. I need a few more friends in my new town anyway.

OBF, You know... I didn't really get the reference, because I was thinking you meant "Wilberteets" as the name in question. But, tis true I am named after a vampire and my readers already know that, though they don't know what the real name is. At least, not until Sister updates again. hehehe
MyraMains - 2007-06-27 21:03:25
Why, it's Skookeishalo Sharmaine Lavernicus McBonkachick, of course.

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