
OBF - 2007-10-29 07:15:44
Good pumpkins! I bought one of the kits so that my stunt man in training could carve a pumpkin - those little saws rock! I've used my bazillion dollar knives before, but will be using the safety saw from now on!
MyraMains - 2007-10-29 07:23:05
I couldn't FIND the safety saw. I did go LOOKING for the safety saw, at the last moment, only to be rebuffed by my handy Dollar General Store. Grocery didn't have it either and I wasn't ABOUT to traverse the Mart of Wal. We risked our thumbs and made rough-cut clunky punkin heeds. Next year: THE SAW!
wilberteets - 2007-10-29 13:29:17
OK, OK... you've lost enough weight. Shit, am I really going to have to go on a diet??? Damn you. ::sigh::
MyraMains - 2007-10-29 19:06:27
I love my sister. She says the right stuff. Curse me some more! :)
OBF - 2007-10-30 21:23:39
Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl.
MyraMains - 2007-10-30 22:48:18
Miss you boy. Where you at?
OBF - 2007-10-31 07:25:22
Work, work, work, toil, toil, toil. Chase the Stunt Boy. Ride bike/lift weights/run. Eat. Sleep. infinitum/ad nauseum
MyraMains - 2007-10-31 08:43:21
Well, squeeze in some "call OGF on the side". :) What's Stunt Man gonna be for Halloween?
OBF - 2007-10-31 11:03:32
mmmkay. A Spiderman costume was purchased, but he has decided that he can't wear it, because he's, "not big". Not sure what that means. He has indicated that he wants to wear last year's Buzz Lightyear costume - a bit snug, but workable.

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